

I reserve copyright to all research found on this website, unless stated otherwise.

The Census entries have been taken from the internet or from my visual inspection of microfiche / film.

Reference was made to ‘An Introduction to the History of Bishopstone’ by G I Parker and updated by Mrs L O’Grady and Mrs J Jenkins in 2007.

Please acknowledge my copyright when churchyard memorial research and photographs are used.

I give permission for any of my research to be used for personal use but NOT for commercial gain (except with my express written permission).
On no account are any of my research to be included in submissions to sites like etc, who charge for the information they dissiminate.

I WILL NOT give any permission, for inclusion on any commercial site, of photographic material found within this web site. The copyright remains
with myself and members of my family, who have kindly agreed, to share the images with others, who are interested in genealogy research.

Having said all the above, if you need help to tie in your research with the Pope lineage etc, I am willing to assist.

With reference to the North Wiltshire Online Census Project
The information in these pages is Crown Copyright and has been put online solely for the purpose of providing free public access to the census transcriptions prepared by the NWOCP.
The information may not be published or distributed in any form. The only exception to this is that a small number of individual data records may be extracted for the purpose of family or local history research. You can do lookups but you would be better advised to refer people to the Online Database.

Any other activities should first be referred to the NWOCP organizers.

The layout of these pages, the logo and the software are all © 2006 NWOCP