Churchyard Surveys
St. Mary The Virgin, Parham, Suffolk

Transcribed all existing and readable gravestones March 2008
Headstone location and other useful bits Click here
I have added notes from Charles Partridge’s transcription of 1929; held at Ipswich Record Office. Highlighted in gray
A footstone shows the deceased’s initials and year of death
E ?, 1828 (F?)
E A, 1735 (Elizabeth Arnold, d 10 Mar 1735, age 48 yrs, wife of William)
F B, 1778 (Frances Bugg, buried 1 Nov 1778, d/o Francis and Mary)
T B, 1904
W B, 1804 and M B, 1812 (William Barthrop, d 17 Apr 1804, age 35 yrs; Matilda, d 21 Jun 1812; also on headstone Eliza Jane, d 12 Jan 1822, age 19 yrs)
H C, 1862 (mis-read?, W G maybe)
? E, 1810 (Ann Everett, d 25 Sep 1810, age 55 yrs)
? F, 1812
F F, 1813 (Frances Frost, d 26 May 1813, age 20 yrs, d/o Francis and Sarah)
M F, 1819 (Mary Frost, d 24 Oct 1819, age 22 yrs, d/o Francis and Sarah)
? G, 1851 (John Gray, d 20 Mar 1851, age 26 yrs)
J G, 183? and ? G, 18? (John Gray, d 29 Dec 1833, age 73 yrs; Ann, d 14 Mar 1850, age 88 yrs, wife)
M P, 1829 and J P, 1835 (Mary Pendle, d 31 May 1829, age 68 yrs, wife; John, d 12 Aug 1835, age 76 yrs)
D S, 1823 (Daniel Smith, d 12 Feb 1823, age 8 mths, s/o James and Jemima)
M S, 1822 (Martha Smith, d 17 Apr 1822, age 25 yrs, w/o John Smith of Parish of Chelsea, Middx, dau of Thomas and Sarah Folkard of this parish)
S W, ? and T W, ? (dates illegible) (Sarah White, d 29 Oct 1777, age 53 yrs, d/o Thomas; Thomas White, d 25 May 1763 in London, her Bro)
W ?, 1793 (William Crabbe, Infant, buried 6 Sep 1793)