Category Archives: miscellaneous

Family Trees

Researching Family Trees

I have researched some families which the Pope’s married into. This is not exhaustive and further information would be appreciated

Anger research covering Bishopstone, Faringdon, Little Hinton, Shrivenham and Stanford in the Vale areas, during the 18th to 20th century, and the the children from Anger/Pope marriage.

help! Susannah Anger married Charles Pope at Bishopstone (nr Swindon) 1808, but he has disappeared from any records by the time of her death in 1844. There is no reference to him on her headstone nor being a widow.

With thanks to Maurice Anger for details of the Arthur Anger stem.

Cue research covering Bishopstone and Shrivenham area, in the 18th and 19th century

Covering the children from Redford/Pope marriage.

Covering the parents of Jane Groves (White), of Devizes, Wilts.

Brief History

   Brief History

The family research (so far) goes back to John Pope of Potterne, Wiltshire (d 1618)

  • My main research starts with William Pope (1792 – 1851), my direct descendent (3xgrandfather)
  • Around 1820 he preached at Grove, near Wantage, Berkshire and was a Pastor at Baydon, Wiltshire from about 1822
  • He married Jane White in 1825 at Southbroom (Devizes), Wiltshire
  • In 1833 he became the Baptist Minister at Mount Zion Baptist Church, Meopham, Kent; and preached there up until his death
  • All of his male children (except Jabez Pope) took up occupations in the Draper / Outfitter business at some time during their lives

Unrelated BMD certs

Unrelated BMD Certificates


Alfred Dawson : Born on 9 July 1844, Southwark, Surrey
Alfred Dawson : Born on 2 Dec 1844, Hoxton New Town, Shoreditch, Middx
Annie White Pope : Born on 2 January 1868, Bristol
Arthur Knight : Born on 2 February 1878, New Swindon, Wilts
Charles Williams : Born on 1 August 1846, Greenwich, Kent
Elizabeth Perkins : Born on 10 January 1850, Milcombe, Oxon
Eleanor Elizabeth Pope : Born on 22 July 1842, Strood, Kent
Eleanor Williams : Born on 11 July 1849, Deptford, Kent
Eleanor Williams : Born on 20 Mar 1939, Clapham, Surrey
Eleanor Margaret Elizabeth H Williams : Born on 11 June 1857, Blackheath, Kent
Frederick William Pope : Born on 15 August 1876, Spittlegate, Lincs
Lilian Matilda Pope : Born on 23 November 1884, Bedminster, Bristol
Mary Anne Norman : Born on 24 Bovember 1844, Great Torrington, Devon
Mary Anne Norman : Born on 9 February 1845, South Molton, Devon
Priscilla Grabham : Born on 27 August 1843, Buckland St Mary, Som
Sarah Pope : Born on 20 January 1866, Alton Barnes, Wilts
Sarah Anne Pope : Born on 1 August 1859, Northfleet, Kent
Sarah Thurgood : Born on 12 October 1845, Camberwell, Surrey
Annie Sophia White : Born on 26 December 1873,Ilfracombe, Devon
Elizabeth Harriet Williams : Born 21 April 1939 at Battersea Fields, Surrey
Elizabeth Jane Williams : Born on 27 June 1840 at Deptford, Surrey
Frances Harriett Williams : Born on 16 April 1838 at Greenwich, Kent
Louisa Adelaide Williams : Born on 29 June 1872 at Rotherhithe, Surrey
Louisa Elizabeth Williams : Born on 2 Dec 1871 at Battersea, Surrey
Mary Williams : Born on 25 January 1841 at Lambeth, Surrey
Thomas Williams : Born on 20 January 1898, Battersea, London
Thomas Edward Williams : Born on 29 January 1899, Newington, London


Arthur Ernest : Married Florence Harriet Louisa Fisher on 30 Mar 1902, Paddington
Arthur Ernest : Married Lucy Allen on 26 April 1902, Woodford, Essex
Edwin Pope : Married Ruth Young on 25 December 1866 at Frome, Somerset
James Henry Pope : Married Charlotte Marsh on 4 June 1883, Portsea Island, Hampshire
Jesse Pope : Married Albert Acl ? on 25 December 1897, Bristol, Gloucestershire
Lilian Mary Pope : Married Frederick Jenkins on 7 April 1906, Bristol
Lilian M Pope< : Married Frederick Jenkins on 7 April 1906, Bristol
Lilian M Pope : Married Leonard Fidkin on 5 August 1911, Bristol
Minnie Pope : Married George Edward Coles on 7 August 1897 at Frome, Somerset
George White : Married ELizabeth Watkins on 25 June 1844 at Devizes, Wilts
George Frederick Williams : Married Emma James on 1 Sept 1896 at Kingston, Surrey
Joseph Charles Williams : Married Gertrude Emma Jones on 7 June 1903 at Battersea, Surrey


Mary Ann Anger : Died on 14 December 1860, Watchfield, Berks.
Isaac Edwin Archer : Died on 14 December 1859, New Town, Swindon, Wilts.
James Burge : Died on 11 July 1839, Haplegrove, Somerset.
Robert Grabham : Died on 12 July 1868, Stringston, Somerset.
Elizabeth Knight : Died on 7 December 1917, Swindon, Wilts.
Arthur Edward Pope : Died on 11 Oct 1931, Rochester, Kent.
Charles Pope : Died on 2 July 1842, Ogbourne St George, Wilts.
Dorothy Mabel Pope : Died on 13 Aug 1930, Guildford, Surrey.
Elizabeth Pope : Died on 13 November 1909, Maidstone, Kent.
James Pope : Died on 1 Aug 1837, Woodstock, Oxford.
John Pope : Died on 9 May 1844, Belle Vue Asylum, Devizes, Wilts.
John Pope : Died on 10 Jun 1887, Winchester, Hampshire
John Pope : Died on 5 January 1892, Portsea, Hampshire.
Louisa Alice Pope : Died on 26 October 1923, North End, Portsmouth, Hants.
Mary Pope : Died on 25 August 1902, Devonport, Devon.
Mary Pope : Died on 9 April 1911, Chatham, Kent.
Mary Chellow Pope : Died on 9 March 1917, Plymouth, Devon
William Pope : Died on 9 January 1855, Alton Barnes, Wilts.
William Ernest Pope : Died on 4 November 1958, Tooting, Surrey.
William John Pope : Died on 21 December 1873 at Kingsdown, Stratton St.Margaret, Wilts.
Frances Ramsden : Died on 16 February 1899 at Croydon, Surrey.
Elizabeth White : Died on 6 June 1839 at Devizes, Wilts.
Elizabeth White : Died on 3 Ocober 1849 at Devizes, Wilts.
Mary Williams : Died on 13 Mar 1893 at Southwark, London.
Mary Eleanor Williams : Died on 25 April 1906 at Camberwell, London.
Robert Williams : Died on 8 December 1845 at Roan St., Greenwich, Kent.
Robert Williams : Died on 9 February 1855 at Deptford, Kent.
Robert Williams : Died on 6 April 1857 at Garratt, Wandsworth, Surrey
Robert Williams : Died on 20 November 1861 at 12 Bell Five Lane, Deptford, Kent.
Robert Williams : Died on 11 Jun 1862 at Greenwich Hospital, Kent.
Robert Williams : Died on 20 January 1862 on Dreadnought Hospital Ship, Greenwich, Kent.
Robert Williams : Died on 20 August 1862 on Dreadnought Hospital Ship, Greenwich, Kent.
Robert Williams : Died on 1 December 1862 at 15 Nursery Row, Walworth.
Robert Williams : Died on 7 January 1863 at 293 Kent Street, Newington.
Robert Williams : Died on 27 October 1863 at 5 Clarendon Cottages, North Woolwich, Kent.
Robert Williams : Died on 5 January 1865 at Royal Marine Infirmary Woolwich Dockyard Kent.
Robert Williams : Died on 19 Nov 1867 at Princes Road Workhouse, Lambeth, Surrey.
Robert Charles Williams : Died on 16 May 1858 at East Brixton, Surrey.
Robert Williams Williams : Died on 7 July 1861 at 1 Hyde Street, Deptford, Kent.
Susan Williams : Died on 5 January 1878 at Kennington, Surrey.
