Churchyard Surveys
St. Andrew’s, Little Glemham, Suffolk

Transcribed all existing and readable gravestones April 2008
There are many footstones stacked together along the South boundary wall and a few East behind the Church. They have all been included in the pdf file
Headstone location and other useful bits Click here
Notes from Charles Partridge’s transcription of 1929; held at Ipswich Record Office, on the following, highlighted in gray
A footstone shows the deceased’s initials and year of death
? ?, 1862
J ?, 1789
T ?, 1815
S A, 1822, H S, 1821 (Sarah Aldridge, d 20 Aug 1822, age 22 yrs, wife of Henry; Hannah Stannard, d 21 May 1821, age 21 yrs, sister)
H B, 1811
L B, 1825
S B, 1824
T B, 1?40
? C, 1777
C C, 1876 (Celia Cottrell, d 6 Feb 1876, age 56 yrs, widow and dau of William and Sophia Pipe)
F C, 1773
I C, 1872
J C, 1806 (John Cottingham, d 2 Feb 1806, age 60 yrs)
L C, 1791 (Lionel Cottingham, buried 18 Jun 1791, other source as Partridge only refers to footstone)
S C, date illegible
J D, 1868, W D, 18? (James Durrant, d 30 Aug 1863, age 16 yrs, William Durrant, d 21 Mar 1854, age 11 wks)
E G, 1835
R M L G, 1905
S H, 1814
T H, 1820 (Thomas Hopkins, d 9 Nov 1820, age 64 yrs)
S J, 1821
E L, 1828 (Elizabeth Leggett, d 6 Aug 1828, age 77 yrs, wife of William)
S L, 186? (possibly Sarah Leggett)
E M, 1811 (Elizabeth Marsden, wife of Rufus, d 26 Nov 1811, age 38 yrs)
M M, 1835, J M, 1815
M A M, 1812 (Mary Ann Meadows, d 6 Jan 1812, age 26 yrs, wife of John)
W P, 1854, A P, 1876 (Abigail Pratt, d 29 Aug 1876, age 82 yrs, wife of William)
W P, 1869 (William Pipe, d 23 Sep 1869, age 46 yrs)
E R, no date given
M R, 1866
S R, 1811 (Sarah Row, d 30 Nov 1811, age 68 yrs)
? S, 1816 (possible Thomas Smith)
C ? S, 1808 (maybe misread – Christian Salmon 1798)
J S, date illegible
J S, 177?, S S, 1764 and H S, 1749 (Salmon)
J S, 1874, S S, 1852
? S, 1843 (Samuel Sparrow, d 28 Mar 1843, age 85 yrs)
T S, date illegible
S W, no date given