
Copyhold and Rents

Bishopstone (north)   1758 “Detailed Survey” (limited data)
Bishopstone (north) 1760 map produced by Francis Howard Willington (map no. and field names only)

Bishopstone (north) 1778 “Survey and Rental” – Index
Copyholds by Survey numbers

1 ~ 3435 ~ 7071 ~ 9798 ~ 128

Bishopstone (north)  1793 “Poor Rate” and “Land Tax”
Bishopstone (north)   Enclosure Awards 1813

Keevil   1752 “Poor rate”
Keevil   1782 “Poor rate”
Keevil   Enclosure Awards 1796
Keevil   Tithe Awards 1864

Little Hinton   1700 “An 1694 Act. Accessment made imposing various taxes. ”
Little Hinton    Tithe Awards 1840

Potterne 1669 “A Particular of the yearly value of the Leaseholds at Potterne”
Potterne   Enclosure Awards 1824
Potterne   Tithe Awards 1839
Marston   Tithe Awards 1839
Worton   Tithe Awards 1839

Rowde   Tithe Awards 1841

Oxfordshire   1843 Court of Common Pleas, John & Anne George of Steeple Aston
